Greaves Tech Talk: IoT Solutions to lead in a Hyperconnected world
IoT refers to a system of interrelated and internet-connected objects or machines. A plethora of sensors and software and other technologies are used to collect and transfer data over the internet without human intervention. Complicated as it may sound, these systems are already all around us. The gadgets we use to the services we avail are all connected and managed intelligently without or with minimum human intervention. There is hardly any sphere of life that has remained untouched by this new digital revolution. so why should industrial machines or commercial equipment be left behind? In fact, a huge amount of research and development today is focused on this area which we now call the iiOT (Industrial internet of things).
Greaves has been doing pioneering work in the field of prime mover technology and has provided its customers’ bespoke solutions that bring us closer. The challenge was to get even closer- that’s the reason we introduced the Genius range of generators that brings our products closer to the user and our users closer to Greaves- we are all connected in real-time. This real-time connectivity has provided Greaves access to humongous amount of data that is collected every second from every machine in the field. Today, they say, data is the new oil – the correct interpretation and usage of large data clusters unlock an unimaginable value proposition for all stakeholders. The users can use the machines more efficiently, the owner can track the utilization of assets and the decision makers can plan strategies that can help them optimize operations. Greaves, on the other hand, gets the opportunity to revolutionize service delivery ensuring maximum uptime through predictive maintenance and quick resolution of field issues.
The Genius smart power solutions also helped us challenge ourselves. We have thrown open, real-time performance data to users which few competitors dare to disclose. We took on the challenge and our customers have appreciated the transparency where they can continuously track performance against what was claimed at the time of sale. This has been enabled by our state of the art algorithms that work behind the scene to provide users with information on the metrics that matter to them the most- in the most user friendly manner through a mobile app.We believe that this is just the beginning of a long journey and future machines from Greaves will be at the frontiers of technology to benefit all stakeholders with advanced features like AI/ digital twin/ Virtual reality assisted service… The list is just endless and the future exciting!